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Assignment 01 (Team 1)

Github pages for ICS 491 Assignment 01

Team 1: Honushield


Team Members

Landing Page

The landing page shows the web-app logo as well as the buttons to sign up and sign in.

Home Page

The home page shows the current status of the user. The “Status” shows the overall status of the user. Not clear means that the user has not yet uploaded their vaccine card and had not done ther daily check-in. The status also shows whether or not they uploaded their vaccine card as well as if they had done a daily check-in.

The page also shows a reminder to do their daily check-in along with a button to take them to the check-in page.

At the bottom of the page, it will the details of their vaccine card submission.

Check-In Page

The check-in page is the page where users can do their daily check-in. The page has two buttons to give their answer to the checklist as well as a back button to go back to the home page. The page also allows the user to resubmit their daily check-in which will add a new check-in to the history page.

Vaccine Submission Page

The vaccine submission page allows for the user to easily submit the details of their vaccine card. The page also allows the user to upload an image of their vaccine card.

Check-In History Page

The check-in history shows their check-ins that they have done. The history shows both the vaccination status as well as the daily check-in status.

/ Sign-Out / Sign-Up Page

These pages allows for the user to sign-in or sign-up if they do not have an account.

The sign-out page is a simple page that just shows that they were signed out.